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5 Things To Know About UV and Ozone Sanitizers

Are you someone who is sensitive to chlorine? Do you sometimes feel itchy after swimming? Perhaps you’re sick of spending hundreds of dollars annually on shock and chlorine tabs. Don’t sweat it, friend. You are not alone. Chlorine sensitivity is rare, but every pool owner who uses chlorine knows how expensive chlorine has gotten in the last few years. Because of this, many new pool owners opt for low-chlorine alternatives like salt generators and UV and Ozone sanitizers.  

What Are UV and Ozone Systems?

A UV Ozone system is comprised of two main components: the UV tower and an ozonator. When paired together, these two systems work to kill just about every potentially harmful contaminant, microorganism, pathogen, and recreational water illness (RWI). UV systems are a simple and effective tool used to kill contaminants in water. The system uses ultraviolet radiation to kill all bacteria entering the tower. Ozonators are also equipped with a UV light bulb that transforms oxygen molecules into ozone, which then works to kill all chlorine-resistant bacteria. UV ozone systems are great for pools that are susceptible to particle and debris buildup. Similar to chlorine, ozone works to oxidize the water, eliminating all the contaminants and potential viruses it comes in contact with. Ozone alone is a solid partial alternative to chlorine as it does the same thing but with greater efficiency. 

5 Things You Should Know About UV/Ozone Sanitizers

If you just read all that and thought, “Gee, that sounds like exactly what I’m looking for,” you have come to the right place. We wouldn’t want you shelling over a bunch of money for one of these fancy setups without knowing a little more about them and their features. Below is a list of the five most important things to know about UV/Ozone systems before purchasing. Without further ado, let’s get into it. 

Continual Oxidation of Your Pool Using Strong Non-chlorine Shock

Oxidation is the process of removing dead organic matter like bodily oils, cosmetics, lotion, etc. Oxidation allows the free chlorine present in your pool to work better at its job, which is, you guessed it, cleaning the pool. With a UV/Ozone system, the water undergoes an advanced oxidation process (AOP). When you combine UV light, which is good at eliminating bacteria, and ozone, which has powerful disinfectant capabilities, you get what are called hydroxyl radicals. All you need to know about these little guys is that they will kill 99.9% of your pool’s germs and bacteria. 

Saves You Maintenance Costs Over Time

As mentioned above, if you go with a UV/Ozone system, you will save hundreds, even thousands of dollars over the years that you would have spent on chlorine tabs and shock. Depending on the size of your pool, you can wind up paying over $200 a year on chlorine, not even including other pool chemicals. UV/Ozone systems take the problem out of your hands by constantly providing your pool with the sanitization and oxidization necessary to keep it clean and clear. Gone are the days of pouring gallons or bags of shock into the pool and having to replenish every few months. 

Kills 99.9% of Chlorine-resistant Microorganisms

We got into this one a bit earlier, but this is the best thing about UV/Ozone systems: their bacteria and contaminant kill rate is 99.9%. If you have a birthday swim party over the summer and notice that your pool has become a little cloudy the next day. Odds are your chlorine was heavily diluted by the number of contaminants and microorganisms brought in by the swimmers! Now, this isn’t to say you should never have big swim parties; we would never encourage that, but if you had a UV/Ozone system, the system would work all through the night, killing the contaminants and keeping the pool clear. UV/Ozone systems make pool care simple. 

Minimizes Skin and Eye Irritation

One thing every pool owner hates is when they, or even worse, a guest experience skin or eye irritation from swimming. Chlorine typically gets blamed for chemical reactions from swimming, and certain people are sensitive to chlorine, but frequently, it results from high or low pH levels in the water. UV/Ozone systems use significantly less chlorine and will lead to fewer complaints about red eyes or itchy skin. With one of these systems, homeowners have more time to focus on keeping their pool balanced, which will keep the pH in check. Bye-bye, itchy skin and eyes!

Perfect For Pools Up to 55,000 Gallons

Most residential inground swimming pools can be sized for anywhere between 10-30,000 gallons of water. No problem whatsoever for UV/Ozone systems. Do you own a hotel or manage a much larger commercial swimming pool? You’re also in luck. A pool professional can fit a UV/Ozone system onto pools holding water upwards of 55,000 gallons. Now, THAT will yield some significant savings. 

Closing Thoughts 

If there’s one thing I hope you take away from this article, it’s a sense of relief that these systems exist and work as well as they do. UV/Ozone systems are a highly efficient and effective way to keep your swimming pool clean and clear all year around, but remember a pool will only stay clean and clear if it is balanced, meaning the pH, alkalinity, cyanuric acid, and calcium hardness levels are all at the right level. If you stay on top of your chemistry, then the UV/Ozone system will serve as the primary caretaker of your pool water, saving you money and granting you more time to make awesome memories in your pool. If you’re curious about how to keep a pool balanced, feel free to check out our other chemistry-related articles and videos below. 

E-Z Pool: All In One Pool Blend

Is a UV Ozone System Better For Your Pool than Traditional Chlorine?

Top 5 Chlorine Alternatives For Pools!

Written By Logan Edgemon