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Is a UV Ozone System Better For Your Pool than Traditional Chlorine?

I have been asked this question several times, in one form or another, by new pool owners. Will a UV ozone system replace the need for chlorine? Is using a UV ozone system better than using traditional chlorine? Does having a UV ozone system mean I won’t have to shock my pool anymore? To be completely transparent, the answer is no. UV ozone systems do not replace the need for chlorine or another effective sanitizer like bromine. They are what I like to call a complimentary product. They will enhance the functionality of your pool and the sanitizer you are using. 

The reason for UV ozone systems not being a complete chlorine replacement is quite simple: they are less effective than chlorine alone. You can get away with using just chlorine to keep your pool clean. You cannot use just a UV ozone system. One of the most cost-effective ways to keep your pool soft, crystal clear, and always swim-ready is to pair the two!


Pros and Cons of UV Ozone Systems

If you’re reading this article, I am going to assume you know about them and have maybe even done some research into them already. If you haven’t, we already have a couple of articles (link here) describing what UV and ozone systems are and what you need to know before buying one. They won’t fully eliminate chlorine demand, but they will drastically reduce how much chlorine you will need. Below is a list of the pros and cons of UV ozone sanitization systems. Check out this article for a more in-depth breakdown of UV ozone systems and their pros and cons (link here). 


  • Consistent Oxidation
  • Saves Money Over Time
  • Kills 99.9% of chlorine-resistant bacteria
  • Reduces skin and eye irritation
  • Perfect For Large Volume Pools


  • Upfront Cost
  • Replacing UV bulbs
  • Does Not Completely Replace Chlorine


Pros and Cons of Chlorine

The pros and cons of chlorine speak for themselves. They come in three different forms: liquid chlorine (shock), granular chlorine (shock), and chlorine tablets that can be deposited into a floater or chlorinator. The truth about pools and pool water care is that chlorine is still the best of the best. No chemical or treatment plan is quite as effective alone as chlorine can be alone. But chlorine is even more effective and less expensive when paired with something like a UV ozone system, which will eliminate bacteria (the kinds that chlorine cannot kill) and contaminants much quicker than chlorine.


  • Compatible with all three pool types
  • Easy to use
  • It is less expensive to set up than a saltwater or UV ozone system
  • Chlorine won’t damage your pool or equipment
  • The most effective sanitizer in the market

Chlorine is easy to use and relatively safe to use when depositing into a pool. If you have a chlorinator that gives off a steady stream of chlorination, it’s even simpler! Chlorine won’t damage your pool or any equipment so long as you keep the chlorine levels in the pool between .5 and 3 ppm. Getting started on a chlorine pool is also very simple and relatively cheap when compared to installing a salt generator or UV ozone system. Traditional chlorine is reliable, relatively inexpensive, and highly effective.


  • Can cause eye and skin irritation
  • Consistent restocking
  • Chloramines from combined chlorine residuals create an odor
  • Requires water balance from other chemicals to work effectively

If you don’t have a cover over your pool and get a lot of sunlight in your backyard, you may experience an odor due to combined chlorine, or chlorine which has died off over time or was inactivated by the sun. Excessive dead chlorine leads to you having to replenish your shock every few months or weeks, which can compound over time and negate the initial savings. 

Chlorine can also occasionally be too sensitive and cause rashes on swimmers or bleach hair if the levels are too high or the water is unbalanced. Chlorine requires balanced water to sanitize efficiently. You’re wasting chlorine if your pH, alkalinity, calcium hardness, and cyanuric acid aren’t at the right level.



So, again, UV ozone systems are not a chlorine replacement. Think of them as an enhancer that, when paired with chlorine, can keep your pool crystal clear and clean 24/7. Imagine that. Chlorine is not getting any cheaper, however, and if you know you’d like to pair these products, the time to do so would be now or as soon as the next swim season starts. Check out the related articles and videos for further reading and educational content. 

Written By Logan Edgemon