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Top 3 Most Popular Thursday Pools Fiberglass Designs of 2025

The journey to owning an inground pool is one littered with a LOT of decision-making! What kind of pool do you want? How big a pool can you fit in your yard? Would you rather have a salt-chlorinated pool or a traditionally chlorinated pool? What type of filter would you prefer? These are just some of the questions you will ask yourself while considering purchasing an inground pool. 

“What kind of pool do I want?” is arguably the most important question to ask. If you’ve clicked on this article, odds are you’re interested in a fiberglass pool. Or at the very least curious about them. Fiberglass pools are among the three most popular inground pool types alongside concrete/gunite and vinyl liner pools. Fiberglass pools are unique from the other pool types in that they are built entirely off-site and transported to the installation location, rather than built inside of a pre-dug hole. If you have decided to go with a fiberglass pool, the next thing you should consider is where to get your pool from. There are dozens of fiberglass pool manufacturers to choose from, each offering a wide selection of pool shapes. We get it, the number of options can be overwhelming. 

One of those options is Thursday Pools, located in Fortville, Indiana. Thursday specializes in fiberglass pool design and manufacturing. Thursday carries 15 pool designs, most of which can come in multiple sizes. In this article, we’re going to talk about the three most popular inground fiberglass pool designs offered by Thursday. Keep reading to find out if one of these pools is the right pool for you!

Aspen by Thursday Pools

The Aspen by Thursday Pools

The Aspen by Thursday Pools Design

For years, the Aspen has comfortably been one of Thursday’s top-selling pools. This is thanks in part to its simple design, which is both elegant and classic-looking but also incredibly versatile.

The Aspen comes in five available sizes:

  • 12’ x 25’ 
    • 3’4” to 5’1” depth
    • Holds 7,425 gallons
  • 14’ x 30’
    • 3’4” to 5’6” depth
    • Holds 7,610 gallons
  • 14’ x 35’
    • 3’4” to 5’6” depth
    • Holds 8,423 gallons
  • 16’ x 35’
    • 3’4” to 5’6” depth
    • Holds 10,140 gallons
  • 16’ x 40’
    • 3’4” to 5’10” depth
    • Holds 13,090 gallons

Boasting a large shallow tanning ledge, the Aspen is perfect for adult swimmers and little ones alike. In addition to the tanning ledge, the pool also features wrap-around courtesy ledges and two deep-end seats for relaxation. Like all Thursday fiberglass pools, the Aspen is auto-cover-ready and features a non-skid surface for comfortability and algae control.


Lil Bob by Thursday Pools

Lil Bob by Thursday Pools

Lil Bob by Thursday Pools Design

The Lil Bob is available in one size:

  • 13’9’ x 27’9”
    • 4’6” depth
    • Holds 9,000 gallons

Another classic design from Thursday is the Lil Bob. Despite its name, the Lil Bob is a medium-sized pool that can also fit in most yard types. In fact, the Lil Bob can hold more water than the 3 smallest Aspen designs. The wide-open swim area is perfect for floating and relaxing as well as for pool games like volleyball, basketball, diving for treasure, invisi-bottle, and much more. The pool features long benches that extend half the pool’s length. Parents can sit back and watch the kids play games all day long. 


Grace Beach Entry by Thursday Pools

Grace Beach Entry by Thursday Pools

Grace Beach Entry by Thursday Pools Design

The Grace Beach Entry is available in three sizes:

  • 14’ x 36’
    • Depth: 0 – 5’6”
    • Holds 8400 gallons
  • 16’ x 36’
    • Depth: 0 – 5’6”
    • Holds 10000 gallons
  • 16’ x 40’
    • Depth: 0 – 5’10”
    • Holds 13500 gallons

Patented in 2018 as the first beach entry fiberglass pool on the market, the Grace Beach Entry by Thursday Pools is one of the most unique fiberglass pools to choose from.

Available in three sizes, the Grace Beach entry features a wide-open tanning ledge designed to look like a beach, while maintaining the classic rectangular look. Little ones can play in this area while adults and big kids swim in the open water.

The Grace Beach Entry is like having a beach in your backyard where you can have fun with the whole family, relax and tan, and maybe even teach some kiddos how to swim and enjoy the water.


Conclusion on Popular Designs by Thursday Pools

An inground pool is no small investment. Finding the pool that best suits your needs is key to enjoying said investment. If you’re someone who wants a massive, highly customizable pool, fiberglass may not be for you. If you want a pool with less maintenance and long-term spending required, fiberglass might be the right pool for you. These are just three of the designs Thursday Pools has to offer, check out their website for a look at their full pool catalog. Maybe you’ll find another pool you like even better than the ones listed here. If you’d like to read more reviews and find more educational pool and landscape content, head over to our learning center or start with some articles below! May the pool hunting be ever in your favor.

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