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Swimming Pool Financing: How Do I Get A Swimming Pool Loan?

Congratulations! So you decided that you want a pool!  The next most logical question would be…… How do I want to pay for it?  Over the years we have seen customers pay in a variety of ways. Some of them listed below:

  • Equity/ Second Mortgage
  • Unsecured Loan
  • Credit Card
  • Cash

Before moving forward I want to be honest and say this may not apply to everyone in every region of the country. All of my experience comes from the midwest region were we install pools specifically the chicago land area, and Northwest Indiana. I am sure that I am not to far off from most areas though 😉

What are the different types of pool financing options?


The most poular method of payment I have seen over the years would be a home equity loan othewise known as a second mortgage. This would essentially be another mortgage taken out on the home.  The amount of the loan is based on how much “equity” is in the home in the current market. So……with that being said, this typically is not a good option for new home owners 🙁 For those that do have some equity in their home this is good news because you can get very solid rates, typically in the low 4% area, Which makes paying back the loan that much cheaper!  Most people opt to get these loans with a fixed rate so that the rate does not move from day one, until the final payment is made. It is a fairly simple process, but it does take about 30 days to complete. So for the sake of our pool customers I would have you apply for the loan as quickly as possible.


If it is not possible for you to get an equity loan for what ever reason. There are still other options, such as an unsecured loan. This is a loan that is supported only by your credit worthiness, rather than by collateral, such as your house. Typically unsecured swimming pool loans start around 4.99% and are adjusted to your personal credit score. So the rates are not as good as equity but it still can be a viable option to finance your swimming pool.

To start the process I would recommend

  1. Go to a bank (preferebly a bank you have a good standing relationship with) see what they have to offer.
  2. Check your local credit union as well
  3. Check with a national company that supplies swimming pool financing, or backyard financing of any sort. At Royal Pools and More we have had success with Lyon Financial and LightStream.

Credit Card

I know, you think that I am crazy right now HA H! If all else fails and you want definetly want a swimming pool, I have seen people use a credit card to pay for PORTIONS of their project.  It is import for me to explain that the customers that have done this in the past typically got some great use out of their credit card points or mileage and could pay the card off almost instantly. Typically when you use a credit card, the pool builder will charge a “processing fee.” So it is safe to say that it is not always the best option unless you know what you are getting back in return. I will openly admit that I DO NOT recommend this to be a viable option anyone at anytime :).  Just because I love to be honest!

Cash/ Out of pocket

Cash is pretty straight forward I am sure I dont have to explain!

So there it is guys! If you are seriously considering financing a swimming pool start the process as early as possible and check out all options. If you have any questions feel free to ask below!