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I Want A New Swimming Pool Next Year: When Is A Good Time To Book It?

Its that time of year again, the holidays have come and gone. By the way Its the time of year for us in the midwest portion of the inground poolindustry, where we get to shake off the dust and prepare for a new pool season.

The most common question I get when the snow is on the ground is, Frank, I want an inground swimming pool, when do you start booking? What a great question! Its not everyday you shop for a brand new pool, so why would you know. To answer that question, we ussually start booking for the upcoming pool season the summer or fall before. We do book all year round and at this point in the year we typically do have some pools booked for the upcoming season. That doesnt necesarilly mean a spring installation is not possible though. Actually there are really good pros on why installing in the spring is not always the best option.

For Example

  1. We are a Northwest Indiana based swimming pool company, which is near the Illinois border. Unfortunetly the spring weather has not been to kind to use lately. In particularly a lot of rain. Which causes rain delays on projects, which gets frustrating for both the installer and the home owner.
  2. Also with all of the snow that comes in the winter out here it leaves us a very wet earth which can lead to a little more damage than expected to the yard. For swimming pool contractors in Northwest Indiana towns like Dyer, St. John, Schererville. We are already on old swamp lands so it is a challenge as always in the spring, now add a little extra snow, its always fun : ) .

Honestly, we are one of many smaller pool companies in our area and one of the major cons to being a smaller company is that we all fill our schedule rather quickly. I do want everyone to understand, you should not let the schedule of any pool builder sway you in any way from choosing the company you want to install your swimming pool!  It is a matter of my opinion but I dont feel you should let anyone who you dont feel 100% comfortable with installing or working on anything as important as a swimming pool due to a fully booked season.

So guys, in short all pool companies are always booking and ready to meet ( and hopefully work for) new customers!