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Building An Inground Pool In Lowell, IN? Here’s What You Need!

Rules and regulations for inground swimming pools vary from town to town, and in this article will be looking at those specific to the town of Lowell, IN. So, if you live in Lowell, IN and are looking to purchase an inground swimming pool, you might want to take a look at what we’ve included in this article!

Now, regulations are more so the responsibility of your pool builder to abide by, but it’s also just as important for you, the pool owner, to be aware of what you can and cannot do with your inground pool. Perhaps you can only place the pool in one area because of how far it must be from your home or maybe such restriction combined with the size of your backyard limits you in the size of pool you can install.

Whatever the regulations are, it’s important for both you and your pool builder to be aware of them so you can work together to create and complete a legal pool project.

Requirements Prior to Construction

  • Plans and specifications must be submitted to Lowell Building Department for review, approval, and issuance of building permit
    • Physical description of the pool including:
      • Pool perimeter
      • Pool area
      • Pool depths
      • Location of inlets and outlets
      • Waterline
      • Steps
      • Ladders
      • Diving equipment
      • Materials for construction
    • Pool volume, turnover, rate of filtration, flow rates, and total dynamic head
    • Source, quality, and characteristics of make-up water supply
    • Description of filtration, circulations, and chemical feeder equipment
    • Scale and north point
    • Bather load
  • Affidavit completed, signed, and notarized by homeowner and contractor

Pool Requirements

  • Must be at least 10 feet from the house
  • Walls must be at least 2 feet, 9 inches from the waterline in deep areas and 2 feet, 3 inches in shallow areas
  • Slope of floor must not exceed 1 foot in 7 feet to the point of the first slope change
  • The first slope change is defined as:
    • The point at which the slope of the floor exceeds 1 foot in 7 feet AND
    • Is at least 6 feet from the shallow end wall
  • The slope from the point of the first slope change to the deep end wall must not exceed 1 foot in 3 feet
  • Water depth must be at least 2 feet 9 inches but no more than 3 feet 6 inches at the shallow end of the pool
  • There must be at least 1 exit in the form of a ladder, stairs, or recessed treads
  • Handholds must be present around the perimeter of the pool in areas where the depth exceeds 3 feet 6 inches; must not be further apart than 4 feet and can consist of 1 or a combination of the following:
    • Coping, ledge, or decking along the top edge of the pool at least 4 inches in horizontal width and no more than 12 inches above the waterline
    • Ladders, stairs, or seat ledges
    • Secured rope or railing no more than 12 inches above the waterline
  • Access to pool must be restricted by ONE of the following:
    • Wall or fencing that completely encloses the pool and is at least 4 feet above ground level with self-latching exits
    • Other means at least 4 feet above ground level that completely encloses the pool and is deemed impenetrable
    • A combination of (A) and (B) that completely encloses the pool and has self-latching exit(s)
    • An automatic safety cover
  • The following lifesaving equipment must be accessible with each pool:
    • Ring or throwing buoy with 40 feet of ¼-inch diameter line
    • Pole not lest than 12 feet long
    • Access to a telephone

Required Inspections

  • Underground Electric
  • Underground Plumbing
  • Pre-Pour Footing
  • Pre-Pour Deck
  • Light Bonding
  • Pool Bonding
  • Final Plumbing
  • Final Electric
  • Pool Final
  • Underground Gas (if gas heater installed)
  • Final Gas (if gas heater installed)

Homeowners Association Requirements

In addition to the town’s regulations, you should also be aware that you may have to follow some Homeowners Association (HOA) regulations if your neighborhood is affiliated with one.

In the event that your neighborhood is affiliated with an HOA, you and your pool builder with have to collaborate to complete your pool project under two sets of restrictions, which can result in a few more limitations. But, keep in mind, these restrictions needs to be followed to build your pool legally and avoid any serious issues during the building process or even afterwards if not taken seriously.

Final Notes

As you can see, inground swimming pools built in Lowell, IN have some restrictions. But, these restrictions are put in place for the safety of the pool and to help prevent you from running into issues in the future.

We hope that this has given you some clarification on what you can and cannot do regarding your inground swimming pool. And now it’s time for you and your pool builder to collaborate according to these rules!

If you have any further questions, you can send them our way or contact the Lowell Building Department at (219) 696-7794!